How many guys currently live at Varsity House?
We have 40 guys living in the house
How much is rent?
Our rent is at $680 a month. $2040 per term and $6230 per school year.
Over the summer, it is $200 a month. (or $50 per week)
What does rent cover?
Utilities (Electricity, Water, Garbage, Internet, Laundry)
Sleeping Poarch
Study Room
Breakfast Food (Cereal, Granola, Eggs, Bread)
Lunch cooked by our Chef (Monday - Friday)
Dinner cooked by our Chef (Monday - Thursday)
When can I apply?
Applications are accepted for the coming school year January through April. However there are openings during Winter and Spring terms some years. Contact the Vice President for more information.
Can I live in the house as a Freshman?
Oregon State has a First Year Experience (FYE) policy which requires all freshman to live their first year on campus. This can be circumvented by taking the majority of your first year credits at Linn-Benton Community College.
Are Varsity House residents required to do chores?
Every member of Varsity House is assigned one work duty to be completed weekly, and one dish crew per week.
What are the rules about alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and weapons on the Varsity House property?
Alcohol is strictly prohibited.
Tobacco is strictly prohibited.
Drugs, aside from prescription and medical use drugs, are strictly prohibited.
Weapons are allowed on Varsity House property, but ONLY with appropriate safety measures. (in a locked safety box of sort)
Varsity House abides by current State and Federal Law to the above.